D-Day Memorial, Bedford, Va. |
Reflecting Pool hosts sculptures
depicting scenes of the June
6, 1944, D-Day landing in
Normandy, France
"Upon this beautiful town fell
the heaviest share of American losses
on D-Day — 19 men from a community
of 3,200, four more afterwards.
"When people come here, it is
important to see the town as the monument
itself. Here were the images these
soldiers carried with them, and the
thought of when they were afraid.
This is the place they left behind.
And here was the life they dreamed
of returning to.
"They did not yearn to be heroes.
They yearned for those long summer
nights again, and harvest time, and
paydays. They wanted to see Mom and
Dad again, and hold their sweethearts
or wives, or for one young man who
lived here, to see that baby girl
born while he was away. [ speech
continued . . . ]
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