beautiful mother, Mollie H.
Whaley, sits beside the Reflecting
Pool following dedication
services at The National D-Day
Memorial in Bedford, Va. Thanks,
Mom, for running through the
rain with me that day just
to buy a T-shirt and hat!
I love you!
"The great enemies of that era
have vanished. And it is one of history's
remarkable turns that so many young
men from the new world would cross
the sea to help liberate the old.
"Beyond the peaceful beaches
and quiet cemeteries lies a Europe
whole and free a continent
of democratic governments and people
more free and hopeful than ever before.
This freedom and these hopes are what
the heroes of D-Day fought and died
for. And these, in the end, are the
greatest monuments of all to the sacrifices
made that day. [ speech
continued . . . ]
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and with written consent from the author and Webmaster:
Vincent Z. Whaley